Mislaid Dreams Poem

Mislaid Dreams Poem

The African dream is not lost, it is just mislaid.
It was hidden within brown people, being called black.
From then on, the rainbow disappeared from the sky.
The sun never appeared again, no explanations why?
From then on their presence was not worth living by.
They said because the world mother sunk down grieving,
now their future is as dark as the night sky.
It is told that their past still fall the presence apart.
The explanation is, two heads were separated to stand alone
And, they lost the community unification.
A buffalo dismantled from the pack is as vulnerable as them.
But like a herd, together again they must stand,
to rebuild the lost glory.
Their emancipation is a debt, they owe to their ancestors.

Mislaid Dreams Poem Lyrics are written by ©CyrusMigadde.com. Mislaid Dreams Poem is one of the poems in the Africa Poems Chapter of Cyrus Migadde debut book “Dreams Mislaid – 50 Poems About Life“, that was launched on 29th of April 2016. Please note, authorized use of this poem is prohibited – To use or buy these Poem lyrics mail to: Info@cyrusmigadde.com or here

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