The war in Ukraine is unnecessary

The war in Ukraine is unnecessary Lyrics

The war in Ukraine is unnecessary lyrics written by Cyrus Migadde – FEEL FREE TO USE THESE LYRICS

When you keep quiet you die
And when you speak out you die
You rather die speaking out what you feel in your heart!

There is always a better way to solve a situation
But when two presidents are talking nobody’s listening
There is always a perfect way to resolve a conflict
War or invasion to take over the mind is no solution
We are all one mind being stupid to itself
West or East is all the shame shit aggression
The war in Ukraine is unnecessary
Now see what a sudden and inessential devastation
Now Mr. Putin your name is written in blood
I cannot imagine the calamity of your invasion of Ukraine

They say when you know better, you do better
But man never learns, still shooting his own foot
That day, twenty two, second, two thousand twenty two
A child in Ukraine woke up alone and only survivor
The missile rain fell on their land and burnt it
Her mother was probably killed wearing her pyjamas
Dad was out to get the guns to defend the city

Click to check out all great original song lyrics and poems at CyrusMigadde – com!!

There is always a better way to solve a situation
But when two presidents are talking nobody’s listening
There is always a perfect way to resolve a conflict
War or invasion to take over the mind is no solution
We are all one mind being stupid to itself
West or East is all the shame shit aggression
The war in Ukraine is unnecessary
Now see what a sudden and inessential devastation
Now Mr. Putin your name is written in blood
I cannot imagine the calamity of your invasion of Ukraine

The hospitals are bombed to ashes
The food stores disappeared ablaze on fire
The infrastructure torn apart crippled for social life
The world as seen in the eyes of the oppressor
You better attack before fear attacks you
Shame upon you fearful aggressive men
At the end of the day war just destroys itself
But the aggressiveness still remains aggressive
And the land, water, breathing air and love prevails

There is always a better way to solve a situation
But when two presidents are talking nobody’s listening
There is always a perfect way to resolve a conflict
War or invasion to take over the mind is no solution
We are all one mind being stupid to itself
West or East is all the shame shit aggression
The war in Ukraine is unnecessary
Now see what a sudden and inessential devastation
Now Mr. Putin your name is written in blood
I cannot imagine the calamity of your invasion of Ukraine

Click to check out all my original English song lyrics at CyrusMigadde – com!!

Good men are quiet and complacent
But the bad men are coming till your backyard
Detest the waged war on innocent people
Protest for the normal people who are victims
Condemn the demolition of well built cities
Proclaim your resistance and actions louder enough
Gun cannot stop gun but togetherness will
I send love to the common people of Russia
I send love to my people or Ukraine
I send love to heal men with jaded souls
I send angels to watch over women on the run
Tomorrow will be a better day for freedom to prevail

There is always a better way to solve a situation
But when two presidents are talking nobody’s listening
There is always a perfect way to resolve a conflict
War or invasion to take over the mind is no solution
We are all one mind being stupid to itself
West or East is all the shame shit aggression
The war in Ukraine is unnecessary
Now see what a sudden and inessential devastation
Now Mr. Putin your name is written in blood
I cannot imagine the calamity of your invasion of Ukraine

Click to read humanity poems at CyrusMigadde – com!!

We rather be with the birds, in the trees, and in the leaves where the bees live in their natural life.
But the man who crafted iron, used to pierce and dismantle human flesh, ended up alone and was killed accidentally by the same weapon.

FEEL FREE TO USE THE ABOVE LYRICS below though give credit to us who they are the copyrighted to The war in Ukraine is unnecessary lyrics – FREE LYRICS #Racomstar / #CyrusTheWriter, #CyrusMigaddesonglyrics, © You are authorized to use – The war in Ukraine lyrics at CyrusMigadde music site. Please give credit to us who wrote it and own copyright to it.

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