the writer cyrus poems

Nubian tales Poem

Nubian Tales Poem Dislike me become an enemy. Love me be a family. Welcome to Nubian Tales. A moment on Earth, is worth somebody a smile. For earth is the bell, the burning flames is hell, For whom is it well? Nubian Tales Poem Lyrics are written by © This poem is one of the poems …

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You And I poem

You And I Poem You are million miles beyond what I see Probably resting, sweet dreaming me Your gorgeous figure I once saw I meant not leave for lonely ones to share You are mine, you are my Nile River Flowing in the direction of the sea Where you are meant to flow; to me …

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Life Is Everything Poem

Life is Everything Poem Life is everything. Money is nothing. Life is everything. Gold is nothing. Who earthly being, wears gold rings, who has no life wings? Men abandon wealth, overseas for just a moment of breath. Freedom is a birthright- universal-citizenship, less practiced and malfunctioning on earth. When you walk a trillion miles steps …

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