life poems

Nubian tales Poem

Nubian Tales Poem Dislike me become an enemy. Love me be a family. Welcome to Nubian Tales. A moment on Earth, is worth somebody a smile. For earth is the bell, the burning flames is hell, For whom is it well? Nubian Tales Poem Lyrics are written by © This poem is one of the poems …

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From Love to Smiles to Hate poem

From Love to Smiles to Hate Poem All i have ever done Is loving you twillight to dawn Though you promised you are mine You are not a property for me to own We knotted our love bond And we moved near a pond Our luggages skifted for a reason; Our journey ends in heaven …

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Breaking Up Poem

Breaking UP Poem Suddenly, i stopped watering the flower For its nourishing water, was my drinking water And i hoped for rain to satisfy us both But deep inside i suspected she would dry and die before Maybe that´s life; those searching for wealth End up with nothing more.. And me demanding for some breathe …

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Why Poem

Why Poem Why do we have to search for more, When the enough we have? Love full of wishes Smiles to make our hearts settled Touches to satisfy the desire of the skin Kisses to make our bodies free Eyes to see us through Emotions to feel the sufficient we have Minds to know the …

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I wish my Life was like a Star Poem

I Wish my Life was Like a Star Poem I wish my life was like a star. Just there being admired. Glittering endlessly within the universe. Being reached by jaded souls of men who need light through their way. I wish, I could bloom brightly through darkness and stand firmly without regression. Who would not …

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You are everything poem

You are Everything Poem You are everything. You are life, the sun, the moon, the earth. You are a belief, you are Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha. You are a leaf, the root, the stem, the branch. You are grief, the source, the cause, the herb. Everything is you. This Poem is written by #cyrusthewriter © It …

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