Investing Money Poem

Investing Money Poem
Maintain four buckets of Money until 55 years of age.
The four buckets will drip money until your last earthly hour.
The genesis rule is, be an early bird and master this fixed order to follow.
Secondly, the best way to start investing is to start saving.
If it is the job,your vehicle of monetization, love doing it.
If it is an idea from which you earn, love it to solve a mass problem.
Thirdly, work to acquire a good enough salary or ROI to sustain your basic needs.
Maintain a balance between your income and expenditure, after taking off 10-20% savings.
Fourthly, it is the 10-20 percent of your salary,
you have to divide between the four buckets.
The buffer bucket, is for to be free for a year, bills paid without working.
The growth bucket, is for the old days payment when your body is slim and weak.
The dream bucket, is for dreams realisation, travelling and experiencing joys of life.
The tithing bucket, is for giving and sharing for abundance receiving.
Investing Money Poem lyricsare written by © Investing Money Poem is one of the poems in the Success chapter of Cyrus Migadde debut book “Dreams Mislaid – 50 Poems About Life“, that was launched on 29th of April 2016. Please note, authorized use of this poem is prohibited – To use or buy these Poem lyrics mail to: or here