Have no roll to play song lyrics

Have no roll to play song lyrics and choruses are below:

Have no roll to play song lyrics is written by Cyrus Migadde

Verse 1:
My Life, the gift of mind and speech is all I have
To make dark souls light with a portion of love
Had I another life, the reason for thunder will be non
I sit in silence, quiet and stare at the borderless horizon across the sky
I ask queries like, why are we here on a planet hanging loss in the sky?
Who and what is holding the planets in the sky?
I wonder why and what is the reason for all these crimes, blood sacrifices, humans loss in vain
What is the another meaning of life when suffering is what it is
I go on and on pondering this while walking round in my own footsteps
Am so rocked away in this illusion controlling my life
Various untold stories are stuck in my mind to come out
Am relieved to come to the fact that
Every problem has no perfect answer
So many people are like us traumatised
By so many questions in the darkness
Many people are on death row by their own thoughts of existence, any minute the mind is ready to set a blaze their own souls
Like Lucifer in my head, any second awaiting to take out me.

Like an actor
Thrown to the scene
Without a play
Is as good as an amateur
So many people are like us, wanderers
We have no roll to play

Click to check out all song lyrics at CyrusMigadde – com!!

Verse 2
Answer me gods, do you guide us or blind us,
Answer me that, at least we shall be having some food
Everyone who has nothing is rude
Who should come and lead us into good?
Gods are hidden up in the clouds
The preacher men in churches all around the world
Ordering shoot to kill the wanderers on the street
I thought we believe in you to heal us
Teach me how to do this so I sleep with a satisfied stomach, otherwise I am perturbed
I am paying twenty dollar in taxes a week
When you rhyming for a day
To get a dime for the day
It is a fact we shall end up
Like Jesus on the cross, I will be accused to die
Guilty of free speech on contemporary issues
Ready to be crucified but deeply I am innocent.

Like an actor
Thrown to the scene
Without a play
Is as good as an amateur
So many people are like us, wanderers
We have no roll to play

Click to check out all Hip hop song lyrics at CyrusMigadde – com!!

Verse 3
Quick to be born by mothers but we speedily be gone
Shot dead on the streets of the world before adulthood
I cry and scream to pierce the clouds
But no single government man hear me
We are born free but no teeth to bite on a stone
Everyone is entitled to have a love and a crown
A palace, castle or a state house to live in
But many kids do not make it to eighteen
Why do I feel alone even though I am among my own
Maybe I am on my own
A non actor thrown on
A scene without an act
Many young boys and girl are left outside to decay
In order to stay alive they become predators
You wanna a car so you blast a fucker
All in all if you are not a driver
You cannot drive a car
You are a traveller, you get offered a backpack place
I cannot be bothered by my violent actions,
I am trying to run outside and be a man
Do not blame me but the system
Iam raised to be an animal
There is no vision, passion, mission, intention or purpose on earth for people like us.

Like an actor
Thrown to the scene
Without a play
Is as good as an amateur
So many people are like us, wanderers
We have no roll to play

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