Defiant Poem is below:

Defiant Poem lyrics
I am willing to co-operate,
when these chains slip off my hands.
I will stop these violent acts,
when she is offered something to eat.
I am her child acting with a clear conscience;
until doom, am irresponsible for being bad.
This is the last choice left to a freeing slave.
I will spread this hate love;
and shed that blood.
”The struggle is life”, he said
and I borrowed his sword.
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Political Poem lyrics are written by © The Poem above is one of the poems in the Political Poems Chapter of Cyrus Migadde debut book “Dreams Mislaid – 50 Poems About Life“, that was launched on 29th of April 2016. Please note, authorized use of this poem is prohibited – To use or buy these Poem lyrics mail to: or use the contact form below.