Ashes to Ashes Poem lyrics are below:

Ashes to Ashes Poem
Ashes to Ashes …
God is the creator.
A person is like a paper.
It stores what is recorded.
With no maintenance from the owner,
It looses its content and importance.
It could get lost.
It could be endangered.
Close to fire it burns.
With water in existence,
It absorbs and looses its records.
It turns into pieces,
into yet more small pieces,
where the value of the whole is lost.
Nature repaints it, it decays, and then it is manure.
Back to nature, ashes to ashes;
the final destination of creatures.
Life Poem lyrics are written by Racomstar,
#CyrusMigaddePoemlyrics, © The above Poem is one of the poems in the Life Poems Chapter of Cyrus Migadde debut book “Dreams Mislaid – 50 Poems About Life“, that was launched on 29th of April 2016. Please note, authorized use of this poem is prohibited – To use or buy these Poem lyrics mail to: or here
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