Oh lord I need you Song lyrics

Oh lord I need you Song lyrics by Cyrus The Writer

Oh lord I need you song lyrics choruses and verses are below:

Thank you Lord, I thank you for the fullness of life.
A life full of love is an abundant life, Thank you Lord!

Oh Lord, I need you. I need you.
Oh lord, I need you. I need you.
I need you all the time.

I see myself in the picture of your potential
I am your love, creation, manifestation and perfection
I landed down on earth to be an authentic expression
I feel your Godly power as joyfully praising you

Oh lord, I need you!,
I need you all the time.
Oh Lord, I need you!,
I need you all the time I breathe.

You made me in your image of infinite power
I can wish, create and bring to life all I desire
When in imagination I feel the presence of you like fire
All I am is you, let your wishes be realised through me

Oh lord, I need you!,
I need you all the time.
Oh Lord, I Need you!,
I need you when in my joyful moments.

Thank you heavenly Father for loving me
I appreciate the gifts received between birth and death
I came with nothing and I will leave with nothing
But all the goodness I experience, I glorify your name

Oh lord, I need you!,
I need you all the time.
Oh Lord, I Need you!,
I need you when the world seems colourless.

I am you God almighty who is love
I long for your infinite mercy to keep on blessing me
You are my refuge in times of hardship and trouble
When I am weak and sick, I call upon your strength
God, I continue to seek your supernatural healing

Oh lord, I need you!,
I need you all the time.
Oh Lord, I Need you!,
I need you when my fear is erasing my dreams.

Oh Lord, I need you. I need you.
Oh lord I need you. I need you.
I need you all the time.

-Read the information below on how to contact us to receive a LICENSE FOR Oh Lord I need you Song lyrics .
-To check out other Lyrics for music songs written by #Racomstar/ #CyrusTheWriter, #CyrusMigaddesonglyrics, #CyrusMigadde, and Copyrighted to ©CyrusMigadde.com / Cyrus Migadde Publishing (CMP) Agency Sweden.
YOU CAN BUY THE LYRICS DIRECTLY VIA MY LYRICS PORTFOLIO AT SONGBAY , or contact me at info@cyrusmigadde.com or use the contact form below, we shall give you the licence rights to use the lyrics, a rough idea of thr song melody and other details to help you produce your song.
-Unauthorised use of any song lyrics at CyrusMigadde music site and anywhere is prohibited and any illegal use of our music songs and poetry lyrics without our Licence, acceptance or consent will lead to prosecution.

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