I’m in love Song lyrics by Front and Cyrus Migadde
I’m in love Song lyrics choruses and verses are below:
I’m in love, deep in love,
I am in love falling in love, deep in love
Verse 1
Omukwano gwo guli munda
Nkwagala omu wekka
wantamiza na mwenge
Ndayira sirikyusa
Nalalira nalayira nasubiza
I’m in love, deep in love,
I am in love falling in love, deep in love
Verse 2
Nafuuka muzibe mubalala
Nowoleeta abe mbarara
Amaaso go yetaala – I go run crazy yeah
I wanna touch your soft body yeah
Please be tighter
You are my energy, technology
Bandwaza allergy abalala
Love you everyday
Time after time
I’m in love, deep in love,
I am in love falling in love, deep in love
Verse 3
Nomuganda nakabala,
Nga anyirira nga ekkirala
Newomuleeta tamala – sweetheart better than them all
I promise to die in your arms yeah
Please be better
Let us be together, love forever
Lets attract whenever
Soulmate of my life
The heart, the soul of my life
I’m in love, deep in love,
I am in love falling in love, deep in love
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