I am Here For You poem

I am Here For You Poem

How can I not be moved by the great love
Your heart bears for me?
I feel prints of your lips everywhere on my body
And your song of love echoes in all secret places of my soul
You are my eyes satisfaction
Your soul is my love poem
Your soul is my secret treasure
And I see your hand adorned with coloured fashioned bracelets
Just to light their way through my body
How can I abandon you brown-eyed one, ruby lipped one, pearl toothed one?
Here for you to protect you from Casanovas
Who grow old and impotent, seeking assurance in new conquests

I am Here For You Poem Lyrics

written by ©CyrusMigadde.com, un authorized use prohibited – To use or buy these Poem lyrics mail to Info@cyrusmigadde.com


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