The Noise Hurtle For Battle Poem
The noise hurtles for battle.
Let the noise hurtle,
in this destitute hour.
Let there be a battle,
between the words in my power.
Let there commence an un ending struggle,
to which the invisible will empower.
As a man I am observed so little,
but in my words, I can make sugar sour.
Dressed up I am immortal;
matrix, un deadly, in an adventure of glamour.
Here today is to face the scuffles,
through tomorrow is the future.
To look back and smile,
for a prosperous ground or failure.
The noise hurtles for battle.
The Noise Hurtle For Battle Poem Lyrics are written by © The Noise Hurtle For Battle Poem is one of the poems in the Political Poems Chapter of Cyrus Migadde debut book “Dreams Mislaid – 50 Poems About Life“, that was launched on 29th of April 2016. Please note, authorized use of this poem is prohibited – To use or buy these Poem lyrics mail to: or here